1. 星辰大海演出视频
2. 星辰大海遨游
3. 星辰大海游轮视频播放
⊙量子级 Quantum Class
海洋圣歌号(Anthem of the Seas)
海洋量子号(Quantum of the Seas)
海洋赞礼号(Ovation of the seas)
⊙君主级 Sovereign Class
海洋皇后号(Empress of the Seas)
海洋帝王号(Majesty of the Seas)
⊙绿洲级 Oasis Class
海洋绿洲号(Oasis of the Seas)
海洋魅力号(Allure of the Seas)
海洋和悦号(Harmony of the Seas)
海洋交响号(Symphony of the Seas)
⊙航行者级 Voyager Class
海洋航行者号(Voyager of the Seas)
海洋探险者号(Explorer of the Seas)
海洋冒险者号(Adventure of the Seas)
海洋领航者号(Navigator of the Seas)
海洋水手号(Mariner of the seas)
⊙灿烂级 Radiance Class
海洋灿烂号(Radiance of the Seas)
海洋光辉号(Brilliance of the Seas)
海洋旋律号(Serenade of the Seas)
海洋珠宝号(Jewel of the Seas)
⊙梦幻级 Vision Class
海洋富丽号(Grandeur of the Seas)
海洋幻丽号(Enchantment of the Seas)
海洋迎风号(Rhapsody of the Seas)
海洋梦幻号(Vision of the Seas)
⊙经典级 Classica Class
歌诗达新经典号(Costa NeoClassica)
歌诗达新浪漫号(Costa NeoRomantica)
⊙天空级 Sky Class
歌诗达维多利亚号(Costa Victoria)
⊙精神级 Spirit Class
歌诗达大西洋号(Costa Atlantica)
歌诗达地中海号(Costa Mediterranean)
⊙命运级 Destiny Class
歌诗达幸运号(Costa Fortuna)
歌诗达命运女神号(Costa Magica)
⊙肯考迪娅级 Concordia Class
歌诗达赛琳娜号(Costa Serena)
歌诗达太平洋号(Costa Pacifica)
歌诗达辉宏号(Costa Favolosa)
歌诗达迷人号(Costa Fascinosa)
⊙炫目级 Luminosa Class
歌诗达炫目号(Costa Luminosa)
歌诗达唯美号(Costa Deliziosa)
⊙梦想级 Dream Class
歌诗达皇冠号 (Costa Diadema)
⊙太阳级 Sun Class
太阳公主号(Sun Princess)
黎明公主号(Dawn Princess)
碧海公主号(Sea Princess)
⊙至尊级 Grand-class
至尊公主号(Grand Princess)
黄金公主号(Golden Princess)
星辰公主号(Star Princess)
⊙皇家级 Royal Class
皇家公主号(Royal Princess)
帝王公主号(Regal Princess)
盛世公主号 (Majestic Princess)
⊙超至尊级 Grand-class
加勒比公主号(Caribbean Princess)
皇冠公主号(Crown Princess)
翡翠公主号(Emerald Princess)
红宝石公主号(Ruby Princess)
⊙钻石级 Diamond Class
钻石公主号(Diamond Princess)
蓝宝石公主号(Sapphire Princess)
⊙探险级 R-class
太平洋公主号(Pacific Princess)
珊瑚公主号(Coral Princess)
海岛公主号(Island Princess)
⊙太阳级 Sun Class
诺唯真天空号(Norwegian Sky)
诺唯真太阳号(Norwegian Sun)
⊙黎明级 Dawn Class
诺唯真之星号(Norwegian Star)
诺唯真之晨号(Norwegian Dawn)
诺唯真之勇号(Norwegian Spirit)
⊙宝石级 Jewel Class
诺唯真宝石号(Norwegian Jewel)
诺唯真翡翠号(Norwegian Jade)
诺唯真明珠号(Norwegian Pearl)
诺唯真珠宝号(Norwegian Gem)
⊙爱彼级 Epic Class
诺唯真爱彼号(Norwegian Epic)
诺唯真逍遥号(Norwegian Breakaway)
诺唯真畅意号(Norwegian Getaway)
⊙Breakaway Plus级
诺唯真遁逸号(Norwegian Escape)
诺唯真喜悦号(Norwegian Joy)
⊙莱昂纳多计划 Project Leonardo
天秤星号(Super Star Libra)
双鱼星号(Super Star Pisces)
双子星号(Super Star Gemini)
宝瓶星号(Super Star Aquarius)
处女星号(Super Star Virgo)
云顶梦号(Genting Dream)
世界梦号(World Dream)
⊙抒情级 Lirica Class
抒情号(MSC Lirica)
和谐号(MSC Armonia)
歌剧号(MSC Opera)
序曲号(MSC Sinfonia)
⊙音乐级 Musica Class
音乐号(MSC Musica)
管乐号(MSC Orchestra)
诗歌号(MSC Poesia)
华丽号(MSC Magnifica)
⊙幻想曲级 Fantasia Class
幻想曲号(MSC Fantasia)
辉煌号(MSC Splendida)
神曲号(MSC Divina)
珍爱号(MSC Preziosa)
⊙传奇级 Meraviglia Class
传奇号(MSC Meraviglia)
地中海嘉丽号(MSC Bellissima)
⊙海岸线级 Seaside Class
海岸线号(MSC Seaside)
海平线号(MSC Seaview)
⊙世界级 World Class
4. travel星辰大海
Dear Dad,I hope this letter finds you doing well. I’m writing to tell you that I’m planning to take a trip to the moon.I have been fascinated by the moon since I was a child. I remember spending hours looking up at the night sky dreaming of one day being able to fly up high enough to touch it.There have been amazing advances in space exploration, and for the first time in history I am able to fulfill my dream and travel to the moon! The journey will take me a few weeks and I’ll be returned safely to Earth afterwards.I hope you give me your blessing Dad, and allow me to travel to the moon. It is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I will do everything to make sure I come back safely to you.Your loving son,xxx
5. 星辰大海实拍